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Release date : 9 Ekim 2024 Çarşamba | Views : 807953 | Share on Facebook |

IPARD III Publicity and Information Meeting aiming to present effectively IPARD III Programme has been held in Kayseri by IPARD Managing Authority, General Directorate of Agricultural Reform
. The Governor of Kayseri, Mr. Gökmen ÇİÇEK underlined in his speech that thanks to the IPARD projects demand to rural will increase and they are working devotedly for the recipients benefit from grants more, new investments are being realized in Kayseri and thus employment is being increased as well as contribution is provided for the economy of the province. Moreover, he thanked to Mr. Osman YILDIZ for his works and added that he will participate to the further meetings himself to support the introduction of the Programme
. Participants have been informed in detail on agricultural sector, rural development, IPARD III Programme, Agricultural Production Planning and the works of our Ministry being performed and to be performed by Mr. Dr. Osman YILDIZ, General Director of Agricultural Reform, Head of Managing Authority. Deputies of Kayseri, Mayors, Rectors of the Universities, Agricultural Development Cooperatives, Agricultural Producer Unions, District Governors, personnel of Province Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, representatives of Türkiye Common Agricultural Policy, Middle Anatolia Development Agency, Trade and Industry Chamber, related public institutions and organizations, farmers, investors and local media representatives have participated to the meeting
. IPARD III Information Meeting, realized with a large amount of participants, has been finalized after having a souvenir photo with good offices and wishes. ;

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