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Head of Managing Authority, Dr. Osman Yıldız- Opening Speech video.
: 8.01.2021 | : 1552189
Çorum : 29.01.2024 | : 797067
(Day 3, Episode 1) | TRAINING LPOs AND BUILDING THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF POTENTIAL LEGs (Module 2 | Day 3) : 14.07.2021 | : 1414511
Barış GÜMÜŞ Aegean and Mediterranean Businessmen's Associations Federation President : 14.01.2022 | : 1415307
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Dr. Bekir Pakdemirl : 14.01.2022 | : 8772092
Leader Approach | Stefan Spasov - Bulgaria : 14.01.2022 | : 1548367
IPARD’DAN İYİ UYGULAMA ÖRNEKLERİ : 6.02.2022 | : 2673263