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Head of Managing Authority, Dr. Osman Yıldız- Opening Speech video.
: 8.01.2021 | : 1424296
IPARD’DAN İYİ UYGULAMA ÖRNEKLERİ : 6.02.2022 | : 3246684
Animated Movie ( Long version ) : 26.06.2021 | : 1655594
07.12.2020 General Session Morning - Afternoon Main Broadcast : 7.07.2021 | : 8515631
Geographical Indications Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas. : 7.07.2021 | : 9694770
Balıkesir : 29.01.2024 | : 2058656
Eyüp ADIGÜZEL Provincial Director of Agriculture : 14.01.2022 | : 2977024