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Head of Managing Authority, Dr. Osman Yıldız- Opening Speech video.
: 8.01.2021 | : 1904049
Nazire ÖZSU S.S Gülgönen Agricultural Development Cooperative President : 14.01.2022 | : 1723107
Hasan ASLANCAN MAREM Agricultural Engineer : 14.01.2022 | : 1719521
Dr. Osman YILDIZ- Head of IPARD Management Authority : 14.01.2022 | : 1737313
Kısa Tedarik Zinciri : 14.01.2022 | : 1766918
IPARD’DAN İYİ UYGULAMA ÖRNEKLERİ : 6.02.2022 | : 3199868
Barış GÜMÜŞ Aegean and Mediterranean Businessmen's Associations Federation President : 14.01.2022 | : 1730772