The evaluation meeting of the ”Short Value Chain for LAGs‘ project within the scope of the ”National Rural Network" Technical Assistance Project was held on September 12, 2023 at the Ataturk Conference Hall located at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Lodumlu Campus.
The Head of European Union and Managing Authority for Structural Adjustment Ms. Özge TEKIN launched the meeting with her opening remarks which had been attended by LAG representatives who had opened a stand within the scope of UKAFEST. Information has been shared and discussions were held on the activities carried out together with LAGs on the field within the scope of the project for the “Medicinal Aromatic Plants”, “Local Products” and “Traditional Handicrafts” sectors and the current situation was assessed. Within the scope of the project crowned with the festival, production planning has been initiated with a participatory understanding for a total of 49 LAGs from 3 sectors.
Within the scope of the meeting, new project proposals of LAGs on short supply and value chain and questions related to the completion of IPARD II were discussed.