Common Agricultural Policy (National Rural Network - NRN) Steering Committee meeting was held by IPARD Managing Authority of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Agricultural Reform on 11 April 2023
Opening speech was made by the Deputy General Director of Agricultural Reform of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Head of IPARD Managing Authority Dr. Osman YILDIZ and the purpose and functions of the Common Agricultural Policy Network (NRN) were explained, while its institutional structure was introduced. In the second part of the meeting, information was given on the Steering Committee, NRN works, work schedule and its annual plan.
At the meeting, the topics of the Workshop to be held on 4-5 May 2023 and the calendar to be followed were discussed and views were exchanged on the contributions of ministries and institutions related to the NRN.
In the NRN meeting hosted by the General Directorate of Agricultural Reform; as members of the Steering Committee, high-level participation was achieved at the general manager level from many Ministries.
The participating organizations, in which the Steering Committee members are included, are as follows:
“Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Urbanization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of National education, Ministry of Industry and Technology, Ministry of Agricultre and Forestry, Ministry of Trade as well as Directorate of EU, TURKSTAT, ARDSI, Council of Higher Education and Ziraat Bank”
A Story of Change is Written in the Rural
The National Rural Network, whose basic understanding is trust, cooperation and experience sharing, ensures the coordination of agriculture and rural development programs and the effective use of resources. It creates a rural development move with the understanding of participation in the center and local. In this way, focus groups, Local Action Groups, Thematic groups, Sub-groups will present their local requests, goals and suggestions to the center and exhibit an example of full participation. While keeping the pulse of 26 Regional Coordinatorships in 81 provinces, it will ensure a healthy communication with the center. The Steering Committee will present its opinion to the Managing Authority several times a year, thereby laying the groundwork for the Development Plans. In this way, it will be ensured that the common mind and suggestions of everyone living in the region are included in every move in the countryside. Everyone living in the countryside is now a regular stakeholder of every rural issue and will be able to make superior use of resources. Opening the resources to everyone together with the NRN will also enable all people or groups working on this issue to increase the quality of their activities.